Poetic photography in need of distillation to be read!
Very particular visions with special moments, without neglecting the frames and the compositions, all through a wide-angle lens, in reflections, in low and high angles, of the places and their constructions, of the people compared to the places and their constructions.
Hard and Pure photography... and only with my intelligence!
joãozero with equipment NIKON and supported by COLORFOTO.
To purchase photographs or organize exhibitions, contact the agent:
To curate photography exhibitions, contact:
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"The Big Illusion" - Constant development project:
Project that has continuously described the comparison of the Human Being with its construction. Giant constructions like your ego, but which belittle you in your day-to-day life, as you pass by, making you a lonely, isolated and tiny being, contrasting with a constant ego and megalomania. A Human Being who drags himself through the streets so busy with everything and nothing, bathed in solitude and contempt, in this century of such advances and setbacks!
Through the cropped and counter-cropped photographic plans passing through the most unlikely reflections, where the described reality is further enhanced, always using wide-angle lenses, amplifying the difference between the Human Being, which I try to isolate and capture in "special" moments. With this set of "objects", techniques and technology, it is in big cities that I explore the project, applying the concept in a mix of travel photography, documentary photography, fine art and street photography resulting in joãozero® photography.
All this in an obsession for the right moment in a different location!
The world is my oyster!
in William Shakespeare
Base storage... - Lisboa
...concrete poetry, next door... - Lisboa
break to triangulate - Aveiro
Comes almost three times and... - Lisboa
Get out of your chest... - Arcos de Valdevez
I evaluate the news to the point! - Aveiro
These windows that reflect my light for you! - Soure
In my hallway, I need you! - Lisboa
...where I go... - Aveiro
Beyond what I see... - Porto
I turn my back to the springs! - Aveiro
I think about what it would be like to have this space full! - Lisboa
Now weigh to your right side! - Porto
Rest with cod! - Ílhavo
Joãozero is a registered trademark of Portuguese photographer João Carlos Fernandes
I was born in June 1970, in the city of Lisbon, Portugal and it was hot!
I took a lot of photographs on analogue, I took photographs, I took photographs, I took photographs again and then… I took more photographs to get here, but with digital!
I have participated in several collective and individual exhibitions, in Aveiro, Ílhavo, Leiria, Lisbon, Porto, Póvoa de Varzim, Viana do Castelo and Vila do Conde in Portugal, A Coruña in Spain and Quito in Ecuador.
I have been a photographer since 1987 and a teacher since 1994.
I am represented by the Nuno Sacramento Contemporary Art Gallery - Ílhavo, Portugal.
. I have my work highlighted on Facebook and Instagram by Nikon Spain and Nikonistas.pt
. I perform the Solo Exhibition - "REALITY BETWEEN SILENCE", ARTSY - the world's largest online art marketplace curated by Galeria NUNO SACRAMENTO CONTEMPORARY ART, Web, February
. I have my work highlighted on Facebook and Instagram by Nikon Spain and Nikonistas.pt
. I perform the Solo Exhibition - "BETWEEN SILENCE AND REALITY", Galeria NUNO SACRAMENTO ARTE CONTEMPORÂNEA, Ílhavo, February
. I am interviewed for the first program in Portugal NIKON "Z Experts" - Nikon, Nikonistas Portugal, March
. I perform the curatorship of the Collective Exhibition - "MEZZANINE", Casa da Cultura de ÍLHAVO - with the extraordinary photographic collection of Novo Banco, internationally awarded - Novo Banco, Município de Ílhavo, Museu Marítimo de Ílhavo e 23 Milhas, Ílhavo, abril
. My work is included in the COLLECTION OF MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY ART - NORLINDA E JOSÉ LIMA, São João da Madeira, June
. I participate in the Collective Exhibition - "ESLOQUEHAY", Manuel Suárez Workshop, A Coruña, Spain, December
. I am a finalist of the "Largest Photo Contest in the World" PHOTO magazine, Paris
. I participate in the International Collective Exhibition - NUNO SACRAMENTO Art Gallery, Ílhavo, January
. I participate in the International Collective Exhibition - Sublime Villa Espaço Multicultural, curated by NUNO SACRAMENTO ARTE CONTEMPORÂNEA, Aveiro, March
. I participate in the International Collective Exhibition - “BOUNDLESS PERSPECTIVES” - NUNO SACRAMENTO Art Gallery, Ílhavo, May to July
. I exhibit at the SALPOENTE Restaurant, curated by the NUNO SACRAMENTO Art Gallery, Aveiro, June
. I have the photography book "T(W)O ZERO T(W)O ZERO - Photography by the Streets" featured on the NIKONISTAS.PT website
. I am interviewed by Nikon Spain for the NIKONISTAS.PT website
. I participate in the International Collective Exhibition - "Beyond Dimensions", NH Design Gallery, curated by NUNO SACRAMENTO ARTE CONTEMPORÂNEA, Porto, November
. I participate in the Collective Exhibition - "UNTIL OUR EYES MEET", Galeria NUNO SACRAMENTO ARTE CONTEMPORÂNEA, Ílhavo, December
. I am a finalist of the "Largest Photo Contest in the World" PHOTO magazine, Paris
. I edit the first Photography Book about my project - T(W))O ZERO T(W)O ZERO - Photography by the Streets, with Preface by Pedro Abrunhosa, promotional video by Ivo Canelas and support Colorfoto - PIZZARTE, Aveiro, March
. I hold a photography exhibition with presentation, based on the book T(W))O ZERO T(W)O ZERO - Photography by the Streets, with Preface by Pedro Abrunhosa - PIZZARTE, Aveiro, March
. I participate in the International Collective Exhibition "25 POINTS OF VIEW" - NUNO SACRAMENTO Art Gallery, Ílhavo, May
. I hold a photography exhibition with presentation, based on the book T(W))O ZERO T(W)O ZERO - Photography by the Streets, with Preface by Pedro Abrunhosa, COLORFOTO, Porto, October to December
. I have several photos featured on websites/facebook/instagram
. I am a finalist of the "Largest Photo Contest in the World" PHOTO magazine
. I have a photograph highlighted in the Newsletter and Social Networks of the Serralves Foundation - Porto
. I hold a photography exhibition entitled "Between living and walking" at Farmácia GIRO - Vagueira
. I am a finalist, laureate and have published work in the 40th Largest Photography Contest in the World 2021 of the French Magazine PHOTO
. I have several photographs highlighted on websites/facebook: Pernambuco Foto Club, WORLD IN B&W, ÇOFSAT, Passion photo Gallery, EYE-Photo Magazine, 1x, Fine Art Portugal and Olhares.com
. I am the winner of the photographic challenge about National Historic Centers - Olhares, Portuguese Photography Center, Dreambooks and All About Portugal, February
. Participates in the solidarity project "A solidary image" - Photographs for a cause
. I have work published in "The Street Photographer Notebook" magazine - Alex Coghe
. I participate with photographs in the FotoConcerto Fora de Portas, part of the Municipal Holiday Celebrations in the city of Cantanhede, July 2020 - Associação FotografARTE and Câmara Municipal de Cantanhede
. I have work published in MA III Magazine - Inverter - Students' Association of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto
. I am invited to write for the catalog of the Photography Exhibition SUSPENSION OF DISBELIEF by the actor - Ivo Canelas
. I have my work published and highlighted in the online magazine - Camera OWNER Magazine - England
. I have work published in the book of the first edition of the Photo Contest about Porto - CM Porto
. I have my work published in the online magazine - LINHAS, nº 34 - University of Aveiro
. I participate with text and photography in the photography book - DE REGRESSO, A INQUIETAÇÃO - Fotopoemas - José Miguel Oliveira
. I participate in the International Contest "35 Awards" and I am in the Top 2% of Street Photo Nominations, Top 35 of Portuguese Photographers and in the Top 200 of Street Photo Photographers - Moscow
. I'm a jury in the 2019 "Eyes over the Sea" Photo Contest - Câmara Municipal de Ílhavo
. I participate in the solidarity project "A solid image" - Photographs for a cause
. I am the editorial coordinator and co-author of the Photography Book "20 Long Exposure" - Edições Vieira da Silva
. I am a guest jury in the 2018 Young Creator Contest - Photography section - Aveiro City Council
. I am a finalist of the "Largest Photo Contest in the World" PHOTO magazine
. I participate in "INstantes" - 4th Avintes International Photography Festival - February/March - with the exhibition "joãozero em roma" - Casa Antero de Quental - Vila do Conde
. I am coordinator, editorial designer and co-author of the Photography Book "EXPERIMENTA ÍLHAVO" - Municipality of Ílhavo
. I hold a solo exhibition with photographs from the "joãozero em roma" series at the Aveiro Restaurant, Tasca do Sal
. I am the featured Author of the month of October on the site - Olhares.com
. I'm the featured author on the site - Bluestreets.org
. I have several photographs featured on websites/facebook: Bluestreets.org, B&W Soul Vision, IPA - International Photographers Alliance, Street Photography, Shot Magazine, Fine Eye Magazine, Fine Art-Portugal, Olhares, ViewBug, Maat - Museu de Arte, Architecture and Technology
. I am the editorial coordinator and co-author of the Photography Book "20 color portraits" - Edições Vieira da Silva
. I am a finalist of the "Largest Photo Contest in the World" PHOTO magazine
. I launch the project "EXPOINT You expose yourself! - Collective photography exhibitions. GNRation Braga; Ílhavo Cultural Center and Vila do Conde Municipal Theater
. My portfolio is featured at B&W Soul Vision, Italy
. My portfolio is highlighted at IPA - International Photographers Alliance
. My portfolio is featured on Bluestreets.org - France
. I am co-author of the Photography book "Different Vision Spain & Portugal" Vol 1 - WEPHOTO
. I participate in the international exhibition "LA VUELTA AL MUNDO" - 6 continents, 20 cities, 15 photographers, organized by Bluestreets. December 2015 - Quito, Ecuador
. I am a finalist of the "Largest Photo Contest in the World" PHOTO magazine
. I have several award-winning photographs featured on websites/facebook: B&W Soul Vision, Street Photography, Fine Art Tokyo, Shot Magazine, PHOTO.fr
. I am the editorial coordinator and co-author of the Photography Book "20 street photography" - Edições Vieira da Silva
. I win the Photo Contest "Portratar a Invicta" as part of the II Week of Urban Rehabilitation, Porto
. I am one of the young talents on the PHOTO magazine website
. In April, I participated as a guest photographer in the Photography Tertúlia included in the celebrations of 10 Years of OLHARES at FNAC in MarShopping, Matosinhos, Porto
. I am co-author of the Luso-Brazilian Photography Anthology "Essence and Memory" - Chiado Editora
. I get 3rd place in the 10 Years Looks photography competition
. I am editorial coordinator for photography at Editora - Edições Vieira da Silva
. I participate and get 3rd place in the 1st ASUS-OLHARES "Pro-Art" Photo Marathon - Porto
. I win the prize, photo of the month on the OLHARES website
. I am Author OLHARES nº 1 on the Facebook of OLHARES
. I publish a photograph in the magazine "O Mundo da Fotografia Digital" selected as one of the 12 most creative of the year
. I am a finalist of the "Largest Photo Contest in the World" PHOTO magazine
. I am co-author of the Photography Book "Fragrancias de Luz" - Edições Vieira da Silva
. I hold an exhibition of Chinese ink on photography entitled “The end, the life, and the end of life”, based on a black and white photographic work from 1995 on the Eixo Cemetery, Livraria Bertrand do Fórum Aveiro
. I launch the joãozero brand
. I hold the exhibition entitled “The Dove in an Odyssey”, drawing in Chinese ink with photography, at the Tourist Office of Póvoa de Varzim City Hall
. I participate in ExpoEixo 96
. I hold several individual photography exhibitions entitled “Cemitério - Ritual = Eu” at the Museum of Aveiro, at the Photography Shop “Henrique Ramos” in the same city, at “+ Que Bar” in Póvoa de Varzim and at “Terreiro Bar” in Leiria
. I participate in ExpoEixo 95
. I participate and get the 4th place in the 1st National Contest of Amateur Photographers
. I participate in the collective exhibition at the Escola Superior de Educação de Leiria
. I hold several exhibitions of Chinese ink drawing and photography, at the “Galeria Bar”, in Leiria and at the “Indian Bar” and “NovoManias Bar”, in Viana do Castelo
. I hold several photography exhibitions at the ”Indian Bar” in Viana and at the “Terreiro Bar” in Leiria
. I participate in the II Maio Fotografo de Leiria, edited in a book
. I am co-author of the unedited Compendium on the "Coimbra Photography Meetings" from 1980 to 1993, Coimbra
Visited Cities